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As a Photographer you know how much an image speaks to you.  You also know the magic of images speaking differently to each individual who looks into it.  Imagine if you could know what your image says to another person.  Imagine being able to read each persons story to your image.

At A Picture with 1000 words we give you that very opportunity.  We have created a platform where Photographers can upload their photos, where Writers can be inspired by those images and where everyone can enjoy the benefits of this marriage of creativity.

Seeing your pictures interpreted in multiple ways is not the only benefit of participating in A Picture with 1000 Words.  We can have a page where you can add your own biography and include a link to your own website so that if people like the images you upload, they can come to you for more.

It doesn’t stop there either.  Writers can also upload their stories and poems and you can then find a story you like and match it to one of your photos.

Once you submit an image, we will actively promote it on our Facebook page and via Twitter, so you are getting maximum exposure.  There is no cost involved with submitting images.

Importantly, all the images and stories remain the property of the artist.  A Picture with 1000 Words does not want to own your property, we are just providing a place for people to enjoy them.  We will maintain editorial control however, to ensure no offensive material is uploaded to the website.   

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