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By Mandy Fox

Dare to dream a little dream with me,
And feel what it’s like to live in the relentless sea,
For you and I dream dreams beyond what they could really be,
Secretly you are as strange as we,

Together our minds crumble near the old mountainside,
Where our true thoughts will always hide,
Yet, beyond the wet and salty sea side,
Where the waves hit hard against the nightly tide,
You take out a bottle of rum,
Oh, how I’d love to hum,
A pretty song into your ear,
For I know fast approaching is the fear,
That I’ll never get to hear,
You say you love me, with real tears,

If the sun refuses to shine,
Then I know in my heart that you weren’t meant to be mine,
And even though you look so fine,
I’ll sit here instead and drink a drink of hard red wine,
Oh, how kind along the line,
Entwined you and I,

Blue is the sun now,
For she is depressed and saddened by the sandy dreams that were never real,
All I can do is wait around and comfort her to fully heal,
But I know now that I could never steal,
All those feelings we used to feel

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