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Fireworks by Anonymous


Can someone please stop them spending so much money on fireworks and give that money to the poor, the homeless, the refugees, the starving, the hospitals, schools, medical research, charities, solar power, I mean ANYTHING worthwhile.

It truly is ridiculous the astronomical amount that is spent on fireworks, not just in Australia, but worldwide.  Imagine the good that could be done?  I understand that there is a huge feel good element and that parties and celebrating are good for the soul and that we all gain an incredible amount from the sense of happiness and community we feel as we stand together as a group and admire something beautiful and amazing.

I for one, however, would gain a greater sense of self-worth if I could stand together as a group and bring happiness and community to those suffering in our city, our country, our world.

Next year, instead of gawking at the sky surrounded by a million other faceless people to which you are not connected, go visit the elderly and connect with someone face to face.  The fireworks that generates in their eyes will be worth it!


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