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The Dudes

By Aliterator

Although I am not proud of it, I absolutely love a bit of sensation and this story could have been full of it if it weren't for the picture that comes along with it.


Situation: Two immigrants walking on a high street armed with a dough roller. How much more threathening can it get? Nowadays enough information to send out a special police force to arrest them on the suspicion of being terrorists. They could be making a round to shop and restaurant owners 'persuading' them to pay them 'protection' money. They could be on their way to rob the corner store. Or to teach someone a lesson. All very plausible options based upon words. Perhaps I should keep an eye on the news today...


But then this picture comes in...

Those guys do not look dangerous at all. It is much more likely that they just bought this dough roller and did not ask for a bag. Other much more innocent scenarios could be that they are on their way to a baking workshop and they prefer to work with their own gear. Or were they just bakers on their way to work?


Things are not always what they look like and it's easy to draw wrong conclusions based on a first impression.  


I really wish I asked the two men why they brought a dough roller as it keeps me awake ever since. So please, if it was you or you have a plausible explanation let me know so I can get a decent night of sleep again! 

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