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The Glass by Tom O'Sullivan

I sat staring through the glass that separates me and the rest of the world.

I watch the cars drive by in an endless flow which I imagined would never end, their drivers looking through the glass to the outside world.

I hear nothing of what goes on out there, the sounds are drowned by the audible flow of noise that shouts from the TV I choose not to watch.

It keeps me company, but its company that gets none of my attention. It must be a true friend, others have not taken this treatment from me.

I shift my gaze to the line of buildings that could be a mirror of the dwellings opposed, where I sit.

I see the windows that reflect the daylight back to the street where no one walks.

How many others are sitting there, looking out and wondering? Imagining who else is staring blankly out there window, as time moves on, through the glass.

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