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The Valley Below the Clouds by J. Ogden

They couldn’t see me from down there

Nestled in, safe and sound under a blanket of clouds

I can’t see them from up here

And yet we’re close

I can hear them, chopping wood, starting cars

I can hear their animals bleat and cluck

Moo and meow

Up here the birds are singing their songs

Can they hear them?

Above all the other sounds they make down there

It would be hard to hear the birds and harder to see them

They can’t feel the warmth of the sun that’s resting on my face

Taking away the chill from the night before

The small amount of heat on my face turns the corners of my lips upwards to meet it, just slightly.

I wonder if the rays from the Sun will burn away their cover and open them up to a brighter day as it’s done for me.

What they don’t know won’t hurt them for now

The Sun will find them

And their faces will feel the glow

The birds will descend and sing their songs to them.

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